This gender non-specific workshop will help you facilitate an intimate conversation like those featured in WOMXN.

We encourage you to host your own screening and engage in these conversations with family, friends, acquaintances and willing strangers to spark and deepen connection, understanding, and respect.



Create Space for Your Conversation Partner.

Share as much or as little as you’re comfortable with sharing

Keep an Open Mind.

Be open to listening to your partner’s story, no matter what comes up.

Check your bias and use this as a learning opportunity.

Be Fully Present.

It’s easy to get distracted by technology and alike in one-on-one conversations. Be fully present and exercise the best of your listening skills to help the other person feel fully seen and heard.

Practice Consent.

Assume that your partner’s story is to be kept confidential unless they expressly give consent for you to share.

Give Gratitude.

Make sure to thank your conversation partner for sharing their story with you.

Let them know what you’ve learned or what about their story inspired you.


*To be facilitated in pairs.

Question 1

How do you feel after you’ve watched the WOMXN Series?

Question 2

What WOMXN did you feel the most connected to and why?

Question 3

Can you share the moment or a time when you realized your power

and greatness?

Question 4

What would you say to your younger self or to your child about being who you are and coming into your greatness / power?

*Workshop created by : Geneva Peschka & Sarah Judd Welch

To be paired with the WOMXN Series.

©Geneva Peschka